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Haberlea rhodopensis - 8cm pot Ref: ST-Apr20 OUT OF STOCK
Hakenochloa macra 'Naomi' - 8cm pot Ref: 30ha-16 OUT OF STOCK
Harrimanella stelleriana - 8cm pot Ref: 18ma-5 OUT OF STOCK
Hebe buchanani minor - 8cm pot Ref: 23mb-40 OUT OF STOCK
Hebe cheesemanii - 8cm pot Ref: 2hc-73 OUT OF STOCK
Hebe decumbens - 8cm pot Ref: sales-F23 OUT OF STOCK
Hebe haastii - 8cm pot Ref: sales-F24a OUT OF STOCK
Hebe 'Karl Teschner' - 8cm pot Ref: 23mb-39 OUT OF STOCK
Hebe macrantha - 8cm pot Ref: 23mb-32 OUT OF STOCKAn excellent plant for the border with strong dark green foliage and large pure white flowers in summer.
Hebe 'Margaret' - 8cm pot Ref: 23mb-36 OUT OF STOCK
Hebe pauciramosa ssp. masonae - 8cm pot Ref: 23mb-35 OUT OF STOCK
Hebe pimeleoides 'Quick Silver' - 8cm pot Ref: 23mb-34 OUT OF STOCK
Hebe popplewellii - 8cm pot Ref: sales-f1 OUT OF STOCKA compact shrub with reddish green whipcord foliage and masses of small white flowers.
Hebe ramosissima - 8cm pot Ref: 9pa-9 OUT OF STOCK
Hebe 'Silver Dollar' - 8cm pot Ref: 23mb-33 OUT OF STOCK
Helianthemum 'Supreme' - 8cm pot Ref: 23mb-23 OUT OF STOCK
Helichrysum coraloides - 8cm pot Ref: 13ka-37s OUT OF STOCK
Helichrysum intermedium - 8cm pot Ref: 24ma-46 OUT OF STOCK
Helichrysum milfordiae - 8cm pot Ref: sales-F6 OUT OF STOCK
Helichrysum sessile - 8cm pot Ref: 13kc-112,118 OUT OF STOCK
Helionopsis japonica - 8cm pot Ref: 6mc-76 OUT OF STOCK
Hepatica nobilis blue - 8cm pot Ref: sales-17h OUT OF STOCK
Hepatica nobilis double blue - 8cm pot Ref: sales-18h OUT OF STOCK
Hepatica transylvanica - 8cm pot Ref: DHLm-1 OUT OF STOCK
Hosta kikutii yakusimensis - 8cm pot Ref: 6mc-53 OUT OF STOCK
Houstonia michauxii - 8cm pot Ref: 12ka-27 OUT OF STOCK
Hylomecon japonicum - 8cm pot Ref: STmar20 OUT OF STOCKA clump forming plant for the large rock garden or cool border with elegant leaves and large yellow poppy-like flowers in spring. Height -30cm.
Hypericum trichocaulon - 8cm pot Ref: 24mb-53 OUT OF STOCK